Blinking An LED

The "Hello, World" of Embedded Systems Programming.

Alright, let's start by building the following application:

We are going to start off with a high-level API to implement this very simple program, but we will get into some of the details in the next section. The main goal is to get familiar with building a Rust program, loading it and debugging it.

Throughout this text we'll be using the starter code that's in the tutorial-bring-and-blink-rust repository. Make sure you always have the latest version of the master branch because this website tracks that branch. You can get using git with the following command:

$ git clone

The starter code is in the src directory of that repository. Inside that directory there more directories named after each chapter of this book. Most of those directories are starter Cargo projects.

Now, jump into the src/04-blink directory. Check the src/ file:


extern crate pg;

use pg::delay;
use pg::gpio;

pub fn main() -> ! {
    let led: gpio::Gpio = gpio::Gpio::new(5, gpio::GpioBank::A, gpio::GpioDirection::Out);
    let mut state: bool = false;

    loop {
        state = !state;

There's some unusual stuff in it: #![no_main], #[no_mangle] and main is both pub and has signature fn() -> !. For now, why those are the way they are doesn't matter. The only practical implication of all this is that you can't return from the main function.

If you are a careful observer, you'll also notice there is a .cargo directory in the Cargo project as well. This specifies some build time arguments, including the linker file we will be using.

Alright, let's start by building this program.