Setting up your development environment

This section describes the common steps needed to set up rust and supporting tools. Before following this section you should follow the OS specific sections:


We will use the following programs and tools. Where a minimum version is not specified, any recent version should work but we have listed the version we have tested.

  1. cargo & rustc (>= rust nightly 1.14).
  2. Xargo >= 0.2.x.
  3. itmdump >= 0.1.1
  4. OpenOCD >=0.8. Tested version: 0.9.0
  5. An arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain. Including:
  • arm-none-eabi-gcc. Tested versions: 4.8, 5.2 and 6.2
  • arm-none-eabi-gdb. Version 7.12 or newer highly recommended. Tested versions: 7.10, 7.11 and 7.12

Next, follow OS-agnostic installation instructions for a few of the tools:

rustc & Cargo

The preferred way to install rust and cargo is to follow the instructions at for your particular platform. You should use the instructions which install rustup. Afterwards we will need to download and install the nightly build which is required for embedded development for the time being. To do that:

$ rustup default nightly
$ rustup component add rust-src # for Xargo later.


You can install Xargo in two different ways:

  • By grabbing a binary release and placing it somewhere in your $PATH. $HOME/.cargo/bin is a good place to install it to. Do make sure that the binary release you "installed" actually works by executing the following command:
$ xargo -V
xargo 0.2.0 (bd8ebc4 2016-10-16)
cargo 0.13.0-nightly (a8baa5b 2016-10-15)
  • Or, by building it yourself with the following command:
$ cargo install xargo
$ xargo -V


$ cargo install itm

OS specific instructions

If you have not followed the platorm specific instructions please follow them now: