The Linker Script

The more seasoned embedded engineers here are questioning where the linker script is. Well the .cargo/config file tells you the name of the linker script but not the location, it ends up being put inside of the build directory and is built by the f3 crate. Thus it is in: target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/build/f3-<some hash>/out. The linker script is actually being generated by a file which is run by cargo on compilation.

So lets take a look at the linker file we have been using:

  CCRAM : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 8K
  FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 256K
  RAM : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 40K


  .text ORIGIN(FLASH) :
    /* Vector table */
    LONG(_reset + 1);
    _eexceptions = .;
    /* Entry point: reset handler */
    _reset = .;

  } > FLASH

/* HACK to make these symbols overrideable by _dependencies_ (they were
   already overridable by the top crate), we declare them as undefined
   (EXTERN) here. */

/* Exceptions */
PROVIDE(_nmi = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_hard_fault = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_memmanage_fault = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_bus_fault = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_usage_fault = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_svcall = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_pendsv = _default_exception_handler);
PROVIDE(_systick = _default_exception_handler);
ASSERT(_eexceptions - ORIGIN(FLASH) == 0x40, "exceptions not linked where expected");

It is pretty standard, and chanes depending on the options passed to f3 in the Cargo.toml file. For example, if we enable interrupts all of the interrupt vectors will get _default_handlers which can be overrided. This linker script is actually rather useful; however one day you may need to edit it yourself, we are not going to handle that right now though. For more information you should look at the f3 repository.